Happiness and Kindness

Happiness and Kindness

I want to share our logo and its meaning with you:

Catch Happiness

First I want to express that the creation of a logo is a very long, thought-provoking process. When I was creating this logo with my very talented friend Dan Katai, a graphic designer, we went through so many revisions and bounced around a ton of ideas. I am sure at times he was simply hoping I would make up my mind someday soon! He was very patient with me, and we are both very happy with the design and meaning behind the logo. I originally designed a net catching the butterfly with all different colors, shapes, and sizes. I thought that this image illustrated how everybody wants to catch happiness, no matter what shape, size or color they are. When I had some very savvy marketing friends look at that version of the logo, they told me that the net was too limiting. I had never thought of that, and I certainly did not want anyone to feel limited on their journey to Catch Happiness™.

The meaning of the logo is surprising to many. Although it looks very simple, it is actually very detailed and filled with meaning! We chose the green smile because we know that smiles are contagious, and when we smile, the brain releases positive chemicals. Interestingly, these chemicals are released whether the smile is real or fake because the brain does not know the difference. We are all different, and I cannot make a blanket statement, but this is generally how someone’s brain would respond to a smile. Regardless, start your day off with a smile, whether it is real or a forced smile. You may see benefits from this simple habit one could adopt.

The smile leads to the butterfly, which stands for metamorphosis or change. The butterfly is made up of two hearts, one green, and one blue. The illustration of the hearts symbolizing the wings represents the intelligence of the heart. The dot of the “i” is flying away with the butterfly. Catch is colored blue to represent that the sky is the limit! Happiness is colored green to represent grounded and growth. I believe it is my mission to help the world Catch Happiness™, and I would like to invite you on this journey with me.

“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.” -Earl Nightingale

I wanted to share this quote because it resonates in my heart. I have almost died three times in my life, and I know what a gift I have been given to have this life. They say there is a positive to every negative, and I have been blessed to learn quite a few incredible lessons and grow from these challenges and experiences.

“The past is history, the future a mystery and the moment is a present!” –unknown

This is such an incredible and true quote, and many times we forget to allow ourselves to live in the moment and receive this present. If we are not present, we are missing this wonderful life. When one is not present, they may be faced with worry and fear for the future or potential regret and remorse for the past.

I have become inspired to help people live in the moment. Life is too short to stress about the little things! I believe that worrying is praying for something bad to happen. Nobody can predict the future, and worrying seems like such a waste of time and energy. Instead, I want to help people Catch Happiness™. There is so much science to support the fact that happiness is a choice, and there are many tools that can help bring happiness to your life. I want to encourage the world to smile more often, go out of their way to be nice to strangers, give sincere compliments and live with gratitude. There are many other ways to help Catch Happiness™, and I look forward to sharing them with you.

~ Cyrina Bullard